The Other Thing Sen. Schemer is Trying to Shutdown

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Clearly, one of the reasons Sen. Chuck Schumer shut down the government was his determination to get an amnesty that would turn so-called DACA “kids” and their extended families into reliable Democratic voters.

A less obvious, but equally compelling, factor may have been his party’s need for a distraction from new revelations about the illegal activities its leaders and operatives engaged in during and after the 2016 election.

Unfortunately for Democratic partisans, my friend Ginni Thomas has just posted at a breathtaking interview with former Special Counsel and U.S. Attorney Joe DiGenova.  He carefully and methodically connects the proverbial dots, leaving only one reasonable conclusion:  Senior officials in the Obama administration serially violated the law to try to defeat Donald Trump, and then did it some more to sabotage his presidency.

Sorry, Chuck.  The truth will out.  Find it at

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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