With Peter Huessy, Bill Gertz, Ken Timmerman and Bill Marshall

PETER HUESSY, Director for Strategic Deterrent Studies at the Mitchel Institute for Aerospace Studies, Former Senior Defense Consultant at the National Defense University Foundation, Senior Fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council:

  • Will NK ever denuclearize?
  • The threat we face from hypersonic maneuvering weapons

BILL GERTZ, Senior editor at the Washington Free Beacon, Inside the Ring columnist at the Washington Times, Author of iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age (2016):

  • Trump cancels North Korea summit
  • Are the Chinese to blame for possible collapse of Singapore summit?
  • Consequences of Moscow’s growing missile arsenal

KEN TIMMERMAN, President and CEO of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran, Author of Deception: The Making of the YouTube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi, Author of Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi, Nationally recognized investigative reporter:

  • Iranian-Americans thank President Trump
  • Europeans & Russians try to maintain life support to Iran
  • Clapper acknowledges that FBI was spying on Trump campaign

BILL MARSHALL, Senior Investigator for Judicial Watch:

  • The politicization of US intelligence agencies
  • Debunking the Russia collusion narrative

Secure Freedom Radio

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