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With Michael Rubin, Roger Noriega, Christian Whiton, Gordon Chang

MICHAEL RUBIN, author of “Dancing with the Devil”:

  • Continued negotiations with Iran about its nuclear program, and the financial freedom Iran is gaining from the weakening of sanctions
  • Reasons behind the crumbling Israeli and Palestinian peace talks
  • The formation of a new unity government between Fatah, Hamas and PLO
  • New information suggesting Turkey is not a free state after all

ROGER NORIEGA, former Ambassador to the Organization of American States:

  • Cuban influence in Venezuela’s Maduro regime
  • Russian influence throughout Latin America
  • The Panamanian and Brazilian presidential elections
  • Details on the Chevron vs. Equador fight

CHRISTIAN WHITON, Principle at D.C. International Advisory and author of Smart Power:

  • State of play in Ukraine: Russian special forces/ provocateurs and NATO assessment
  • German/ Russian and German/ US relations
  • Defense posture and spending of European nations
  • Benghazi Select Committee
  • US role in South Sudan


  • North Korean ICBM capabilities
  • Beating the projected 2017 deployment date for deploying anti-missile destroyers to the Pacific
  • China’s response to the enhanced cooperation agreement between the United States and the Philippines
Secure Freedom Radio

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