
With Fred Fleitz, Michael Cutler, Chuck Devore, and Christine Douglass-Williams

FRED FLEITZ, President and CEO Center for Security Policy, Former CIA analyst, Former Chief of Staff for Amb. John Bolton in the State Dept., Author of The Coming North Korea Nuclear Nightmare: What Trump Must to Reverse Obama’s Strategic Patience (2018):

  • What did the President gain from taking out Soleimani?
  • How Trump “forced Iran to blink”
  • How the calibrated response of the US established deterrence without starting a new war

MICHAEL CUTLER, Retired Senior Special Agent of the former Immigration and Naturalization Services, Hosts the radio show “The Michael Cutler Hour” on Friday evenings on BlogTalk Radio:

  • The presence of Hezbollah and other terror organizations in the US
  • The infiltration of the Iranian Qods force in Central and South America
  • Issues associated with giving illegal aliens drivers licenses

CHUCK DEVORE, Vice President of National Initiatives at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Special Assistant for Foreign Affairs (Reagan White House appointee in the Pentagon) from 1986 to 1988, Former California Assemblyman:

  • An overview of the social credit system in China
  • The dangers of 5G and ‘big tech’

CHRISTINE DOUGLASS-WILLIAMS, Nine-Time International Award-Winning Journalist and Television Producer, Federally Appointed Director with the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, Author of The Challenge of Modernizing Islam:

  • Michael McCain’s critique of President Trump
  • Iran’s expanse into Canada

Secure Freedom Radio

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