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Yesterday on Secure Freedom Radio the threats to the U.S. electrical grid, from both Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and cyber-attacks were highlighted.

Host Frank Gaffney spoke with Congresswoman Andrea Boland about her fight to shore up the electrical grid in the state of Maine. Rep. Boland shed light on some of the threats our electrical grid faces, and highlighted that there has never been a set of standards for the grid’s protection. She also went on to shine a bit of hope for protecting our grid by stating, “the states have regulatory authority on the transmission of electricity so there was plenty of power within the States to take action.”

Later on in the program, Dr. Michael Warner, historian of the United States Cyber Command, discussed the history of cyber warfare and the development of more systemic cyber threats in the 1990’s.

With the current nationwide exercise by the National Electrical Regulatory Commission (NERC), known as GridEx II, taking place, Dr. Warner argued that a cyber-attack on our grid should be considered a very legitimate worry. Stating that he would be “very gravely concerned with what people could do to each other,” Dr. Warner cites that even a low-level attack could get out of hand and have consequences well beyond what the attacker imagined.

To listen to the interview go here:

Secure Freedom Radio

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