The ‘Two Bill’s’ hidden agenda

Today’s Wall Street Journal features in the front page of its "Marketplace" Section a typically fatuous article about the "Two Bills" – Microsoft founder and chairman Bill Gates and former President Bill Clinton – who have joined forces for the purpose of "bettering global health." The article describes at some length the informal partnership that has been developing between the two men and their respective foundations to bring private and public sector resources to bear in particular in fighting the international AIDS epidemic.

Curiously, nowhere in the article is there any reference to a particularly insidious focus of the Two Bill’s joint fundraising efforts: the idea of establishing "innovative sources of financing" – read, global taxes – to pay for their ambitious plans for countering the world’s diseases.

As it happens, this "hidden agenda" and the role of the Clinton and Gates Foundations (among others) in promoting it is the subject of a column in today’s Washington Times by Center for Security Policy President Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. Mr. Gaffney warns that, unless President Bush acts to prevent it, the sub rosa global taxes agenda will likely be advanced at the upcoming G-8 meeting, where several members (notably, France, Britain and Germany) are committed to promoting such "solidarity levies" and, as of 1 July, the French have already instituted a prototype international tax on airline travel.

Mr. Gaffney also calls attention to a new legislative effort slated to be introduced in the Senate today by Senators Jim Inhofe (R-OK) and Ben Nelson (D-NE). It is designed to prevent the UN from advocating, promoting or imposing global taxes.

The Center commends the Senators for leading a bipartisan effort to keep the Two Bills and their friends from sticking us with the bills for their surely well-intentioned global health endeavors, but in the process creating precedents for international levies that will make the UN more of an unaccountable nightmare – and accelerate its efforts to erode American sovereignty and that of other freedom-loving nations.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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