America has much to learn from Europe’s disastrous, decades-long accommodation of Islamic supremacists’ mass migration and their increasing demands for preferential treatment. It has imperiled Western civilization there, and serves as a powerful warning for us, here, too.

One lesson is to stop repeating the Europeans’ practice of allowing jihadists to recruit in prison. The practical effect is simply to incubate more Islamists and, inevitably, to endanger public safety when they are set free.

Britain’s grappling with this threat personified by a particularly toxic Sharia-promoter named Anjem Choudary, who has finally been sentenced to hard time. He’s going to be confined to a special “jail within a jail” so as to minimize his ability to do on the inside what’s he’s done for far too long on the outside.

Jihad in jail is a problem we better come to grips with, too.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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