The Ultimate Cyber Threat is to America’s Electric Grid

For months it seems, each day has brought new revelations of actual or suspected cyber attacks.

Now, the Defense Science Board is warning about worse yet to come. It concludes that America’s most critical of critical infrastructure, namely our electric grid, is extremely vulnerable to hacking by a number of enemies. Worse yet, the report finds that we will remain in that state for at least a decade.

In other words, all other things being equal, foes like Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and even individual hackers will have the option for the next ten years of inflicting what might be described as a “kill-shot” on 21st Century America. Tens – if not hundreds – of millions of us could perish if they deny us power for protracted periods.

This is simply intolerable. There can be no higher national priority than securing the grid. Now.v

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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