The US Bails Out on a UN ‘Cesspool’

This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley struck an important blow for freedom yesterday by denouncing and withdrawing from the odious UN Human Rights Council.

Recall that, before there was a Human Rights Council, there was a Human Rights Commission.  That commission became a parody of a UN agency – with its tolerance for members who routinely violate human rights, its anti-Semitic obsession with alleged Israeli violations, and its dependence on underwriting from appalled U.S. taxpayers.

The Bush 43 administration pulled the plug, inducing what was supposed to be a much-needed institutional overhaul. It didn’t happen. President Obama nonetheless decided to join the resulting Human Rights Council.

Amb. Haley rightly labeled it “a cesspool of political bias” that is still riddled with human rights violators, rabidly hostile towards Israel and reliant on U.S. subventions.

It’s high time where outta there.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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