
When you’re in the middle of history being made, it is often hard to recognize even major tectonic shifts. For example, after the fact, it was easy to see that, in the run-up to World War II, the provocative weakness of the Western powers emboldened totalitarians across the globe.

The same is happening today, yet we’re mostly oblivious to the howling “winds of war.”

Specifically, policies pursued by the three Obama-Biden administrations – characterized by appeasement, treachery and the hollowing out of our military – are once more inviting aggression. The Chinese Communist Party’s dictator, Xi Jinping, is literally setting the world afire from Eastern Europe to the Middle East to Latin America and probably soon here as he shapes the strategic battlefield for his own, impending aggression.

Will history record that we failed again to recognize the threat and act in time?

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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