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With Pete Hegseth and Daniel Akbari

PETE HEGSETH, Fox News Channel and National Review contributor, Iraq and Afghanistan combat veteran, author of “In the Arena: Good Citizens, a Great Republic and How One Speech Can Reinvigorate America”:

  • What it takes to be a citizen of a republic


  • Drafting women in the U.S. military
  • Importance of American leadership in the world
  • Continuing threat of Islamic radicalism

DANIEL AKBARI, author of “Honor Killing: A Professional’s Guide to Sexual Relations and Ghayra Violence from the Islamic Sources”:

  • Definition of Sharia
  • Differences between Sunni and Shiite Islam
  • Is there such a thing as moderate Islam within the dictates of Sharia?


  • Pre-violent civilization jihad
  • Radical Islam in prison
Secure Freedom Radio

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