TikTok is a ticking time-bomb; Defuse it now!

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The outcome of a House floor vote today to disarm the CCP of its lethal weapon doing business as TikTok may determine the future course of what is now properly called “World War Xi.”

As our Committee on the Present Danger: China has documented over the past five years, Chinese dictator Xi Jinping is engaged in “unrestricted” pre-kinetic warfare against America.

The CCP’s weaponization of TikTok in such warfare is on full display today as our Representatives vote on vitally needed, bipartisan legislation that would shut the platform down unless its toxic algorithm, Big Data collection and influence operations are terminated by new American owners.

Congress must heed not the CCP’s “addicts” and lobbyists, but the patriots who understand that a defeat in this fight may lead to decisive ones in the violent battles Xi has in store for us next.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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