Time to Designate the CCP as a Transnational Criminal Organization

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The State Department has just confirmed that a Chinese laboratory suspected of being the source of the Covid-19 virus that’s killed nearly 400,000 Americans is associated with the Beijing regime’s illegal biological weapons program.

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This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

The State Department has just confirmed that a Chinese laboratory suspected of being the source of the Covid-19 virus that’s killed nearly 400,000 Americans is associated with the Beijing regime’s illegal biological weapons program. Unfortunately, this is but the latest proof that the Chinese Communist Party is a transnational criminal organization.

Evidence abounds of other CCP crimes, as well, among them: its murderous smuggling of fentanyl; its economic warfare inside the United States, including the theft of invaluable intellectual property and data; its myriad crimes against humanity involving Captive Nations’ populations and China’s own; and its massive interference in the U.S. 2020 elections.

The United States has already designated far less dangerous  groups as TCOs, including Hezbollah and MS-13. Before he leaves office, Donald Trump should indelibly brand the worst of all the transnational criminal organizations: the Chinese Communist Party.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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