Trevor Loudon: The enemies within the church and beyond

With Hon. Francisco Tudela and Trevor Loudon
FRANCISCO TUDELA, former Vice President and Foreign Minister of Peru, Survivor, 1996-97 Japanese Embassy Hostage Crisis
- Hon. Francisco Tudela talks about the United States’ abandonment of Latin America
- How does Pedro Castillo plan to dismantle a free and economically prosperous Peru?
- What tactics are adversaries like China and Russia using to subvert free and independent governments throughout Latin America?
TREVOR LOUDON, Creator/Author, The Enemies Within (Documentary and Book) and Enemies Within the Church @TrevorLoudon1
- Trevor Loudon discusses how the radical Left has indoctrinated a whole swath of religious leaders in the U.S. and beyond
- What techniques are the Chinese Communist Party employing to undermine the U.S. government?
Francisco Tudela
Your owner's manual for your most important possession: Your freedom
Trevor Loudon
Your owner's manual for your most important possession: Your freedom
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