With Rt. Hon. Owen Paterson, J. Michael Waller and Bill Gertz

RT. HON. OWEN PATERSON MP, Member of the British Parliament, Represents the people of North Shropshire, Former Secretary of State to Northern Ireland, Former Secretary for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:

  • A detailed look at Brexit
  • The differing interpretations of the referendum result in the UK


  • Implications of Theresa May’s plans to remain in the EU
  • What is the Checkers Agreement?

J. MICHAEL WALLER, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs at the Center for Security Policy, Editorial Board Member of the NATO Defense Strategic Communications Journal:

  • Troubling developments in Guatemala
  • Consequences of Amb. Todd Robinson’s behavior

BILL GERTZ, Senior editor at the Washington Free Beacon, Inside the Ring columnist at the Washington Times, Author of iWar: War and Peace in the Information Age (2016):

  • Updates on the INF and New Start Treaties
  • Characterizing the China threat today

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