Trump Must Repudiate Obama’s National Security Fraud with Iran

President Obama’s foreign policy legacy suffered further damage with the revelation of heretofore-undisclosed arrangements that secretly allowed the Iranians to disregard certain provisions of the deal that was supposed to prevent them from getting the Bomb. Such claims were untenable before these revelations. Now, they are outrageously preposterous.

The International Atomic Energy Agency reportedly released the terms of these secret side agreements simply because the transitioning Trump administration was about to learn their contents. We can only hope that whatever else Team Obama has concealed from us will come to light without additional delay.

Donald Trump was harshly critical of the Obamabomb deal even before this proof of his predecessor’s malfeasance became public. Now, it is even more incumbent on the new president than before to repudiate this accord and prevent the cancer that is Iran’s nuclear ambition from metastasizing further.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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