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With Gordon Chang, Frank Calzon, David Satter and Daniel Horowitz

GORDON CHANG, Author of The Coming Collapse of China and Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World:

  • Trump’s statement that he is not bound by the “One China” policy
  • Difference between the “One China” policy and the “One China” principle
  • China’s aggressive military behavior towards Taiwan
  • Xi Jinping’s address at the Davos World Economic Forum

FRANK CALZON, Executive Director of the Center for a Free Cuba:

  • U.S. Intelligence sharing with Cuba
  • Obama’s rewriting of ‘Wet Foot Dry Foot’ policy
  • The President’s pardoning of Cuban spies

DAVID SATTER, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, author of The Less You Know, The Better You Sleep: Russia’s Road to Terror and Dictatorship under Yeltsin and Putin:

  • Was the Buzzfeed story a Russian attempt to create chaos in the U.S.?
  • Characteristics of Moscow influence operations
  • How Putin came to power
  • Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson’s answers on Russia during his confirmation hearing

DANIEL HOROWITZ, Senior Editor at Conservative Review

  • What is Rex Tillerson’s stance on refugee resettlement?
  • Iran’s purchase of Uranium from Russia
  • The Paris Peace Conference and the future of the “Two-State Solution”
Secure Freedom Radio

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