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This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

President Trump decided over the weekend to pause further escalation in his use of tariffs as countermeasures in the economic war Communist China has been waging against the United States for decades. His critics are deriding him for doing so on the basis of what are likely to prove to be more empty Chinese promises to buy additional American agricultural and other products.

Actually, President Trump appears to have few illusions about China’s past practices and future ambitions. He understands that we must counter effectively, for example: Beijing’s massive espionage operations, intellectual property theft, cyberwarfare, subversive influence operations here, as well as its aggressive military build-up and seizure, expropriation and/or control of international waters, air space and strategic choke-points.

Mr. Trump and America must use whatever instruments, including further tariffs, are needed to address these present and growing dangers.

This is Frank Gaffney.

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