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With Dan Perkins, Dr. Anne Pierce, David Goldman and Raymond Ibrahim

DAN PERKINS, Author of The Brotherhood of the Red Nile, Writings can be found on, The Hill, Daily Caller and Daily Surge:

  • Upcoming North Korean Summit
  • Trump vs. Obama on nuclear diplomacy
  • Should the EU stay out of NK talks?

DR. ANNE PIERCE, Contributor to the Washington Times,, Real Clear Politics and The Washington Examiner, Author of A Perilous Path: The Misguided Foreign Policy of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry

  • The attempted murder of former Russian spy in UK
  • British and US response to Russian spy attack

DAVID GOLDMAN, Author of How Civilizations Die, Best known for his series of essays in the Asia Times under the pseudonym Spengler:

  • Economic policy in the Trump administration
  • Larry Kudlow to replace Gary Cohn
  • The case for tariffs regarding national security

RAYMOND IBRAHIM, Author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians, Ibrahim’s writings, translations and observations have appeared in The New York Times, CNN, LA Times, Fox News, Financial Times, etc., Born and raised in the U.S. by Coptic-Egyptian parents born and raised in the Middle East:

  • Iraqi Arch Bishop describes persecution of Christians
  • STPC Campaign
Secure Freedom Radio

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