Yesterday, Donald Trump bet his presidency –and perhaps the future national security of the United Sates –on what bookies would have to call a long-shot: the prospect that Sunni Muslim nations, led by Saudi Arabia, will help root out and defeat Sharia-supremacism.

The President called on them to “DRIVE OUT” “Islamic extremists” whose “ideology” teaches them to kill and dominate. His audience understood that ideology is Sharia, thought, and that they would risk death as apostates for opposing it.

The President, nonetheless, established a test: Join in removing extremists from their mosques communities, holy land and out of the earth –or else. It follows that the Saudis, Turks and others must do the same in the mosques and communities they have established here, as well.

If President Trump’s bet doesn’t work out, he must not hesitate to hold Muslim leaders accountable.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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