With Rep. Chris Stewart, Fred Fleitz, Michael Cutler and Chris Graham

REP. CHRIS STEWART (UT-2), Member of the House Appropriations Committee and Select Committee on Intelligence:

  • Is the increasing aggression from Iran underwritten by U.S. tax dollars?
  • President Obama’s legacy in Afghanistan
  • Security situation in the South China Sea

FRED FLEITZ, Senior Vice President for Policies and Programs at the Center for Security Policy:

  • Anti-ship missiles fired at US Navy Destroyer in Persian Gulf
  • Another secret Iran side deal
  • President Obama’s post-Presidency plans
  • Clinton Foundation’s exploitation of Haiti

MICHAEL CUTLER, Retired Senior Special Agent of the former Immigration and Naturalization Services, Senior Fellow at Californians for Population Stabilization:

  • What is at stake for immigration in the 2016 election?
  • FBI Director’s warning
  • Issues with President Obama asking other countries to help stop illegal immigration

CHRIS GRAHAM, author of Election: Unrestricted Warfare:

  • What is unrestricted warfare?
  • How US institutions are subverted
  • Foreign entities co-opting charitable foundations
Secure Freedom Radio

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