U.S. Enabling of Palestinian Incitement Precludes Peace

Renowned deal-maker Donald has set his sights on achieving the most elusive deal in the world: a real and durable peace between Israel and Palestinian Arabs.

As a presidential candidate, Mr. Trump recognized that such a deal required the Palestinians to stop “the education of hatred.” On Wednesday, President Trump expressed confidence that he could reach a peace accord with the man ultimately responsible for that education, the Palestinian Authority’s “President,” Mahmoud Abbas.

That confidence is clearly misplaced given that Abbas flatly lied to him saying, “Mr. President, I affirm to you that we are raising our youth, our children and grandchildren, in a culture of peace.”

In truth, the peace Abbas envisions is one achieved by the destruction of Israel. Unless and until that changes, America must repudiate – not enable – Israel’s Palestinian enemies, and ours.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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