With Rosemary Jenks, Gordon Chang and Bill Marshall

ROSEMARY JENKS, Director of Government Relations at NumbersUSA.com, Former Senior Legislative Analyst at the Center for Immigration Studies:

  • Implications of the new Budget deal
  • Why securing our southern border is a national security concern


  • Why President Trump should not sign new immigration bill
  • How establishment republicans are complicit in open-border policy proposals

GORDON CHANG, The Daily Beast contributor, Author of The Coming Collapse of China and Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World:

  • Prospects of a US-China trade deal
  • The race to dominate 5G technology
  • Persecution of religion minorities in China

BILL MARSHALL, Has been an intelligence analyst and investigator in the government, the private sector, and the non-profit sector for 30 years, Senior Investigator for Judicial Watch:

  • The absurdity of the Trump-Russian collusion narrative
  • Consequences of the politicization of the FBI and DOJ

Secure Freedom Radio

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