We need a pro-freedom Summit of the Americas


The Summit of the Americas taking place in Los Angeles this week should be a moment to address a shocking reality: As a result of decades of not-so-benign neglect of the region by the U.S. government, one Latin American nation after another has succumbed to the temptation to vote in Communists or other Marxists in the name of “change.”

Today, the most important nations in our hemisphere – including increasingly our own – are embracing and promoting the radical left agenda of the modern Communist Internationale, doing business as the “Forum of Sao Paolo” under the influence of China, Russia and Iran. Two more, Brazil and Colombia, may enlist this year.

Instead of focusing on climate change, social justice and buying oil from Venezuela, Team Biden should be concentrating on preserving and expanding the freedoms the Forum of Sao Paolo seeks to crush.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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