We need deterrence, not more arms control delusions

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Vladimir Putin really hit Joe Biden where he lives yesterday in the Russian dictator’s “State of the Nation” address. He suspended Russia’s adherence to the Obama-era New START Treaty that Biden extended early in his presidency to 2026.

Throughout Joe’s five decades in Washington, there have been few politicians more obsessed with promoting Kremlin-backed arms control agreements that had the effect of unilaterally disarming the United States.

Experts believe that Putin’s massive nuclear build-up may already have violated the New START Treaty. If not, he has prepared to break out at any time. In addition, his “no-limits” partners in China have amassed their own, formidable nuclear arsenal unconstrained by any arms control deal.

What’s needed now is a renewed U.S. policy of Peace through Strength underpinning credible deterrence – not delusions encouraged by our enemies that security lies in defective treaties.

This is Frank Gaffney.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

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