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There’s no good time for our country to lose a man like Kenneth Bialkin.  This happens, however, to be a particularly bad moment, as the American Jewish community and Israel’s friends in this country of all faiths and political philosophies are in urgent need of a steady, experienced and respected leader.

Sadly, Kenny Bialkin’s recent passing deprives us of his passionate advocacy for what is best about this country and the Jewish State – their shared commitment to the exercise and defense of freedom. Today, this bond is under vicious assault, notably from anti-Semitic partisans intent on using economic weapons to delegitimize, weaken and ultimately destroy Israel.

Let’s pray that the goodness, decency and strategic acumen that informed Mr. Bialkin’s leadership of myriad organizations and his generous philanthropy that supported countless more will find new champions inspired by Kenny’s shining example.

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