Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Tevi Troy joins Frank for the entire Secure Freedom Radio hour.  As a renowned presidential historian, Tevi walks us through a fun history of U.S. presidents in their respective relationship to the popular culture of their times as chronicled in his new book, What Jefferson Read, Ike Watched, and Obama Tweeted: 200 Years of Popular Culture in the White House.  Enjoy this light-hearted break from what some may consider the traditionally grim business of global threat monitoring on Secure Freedom Radio.

Tevi Troy is also a former senior executive policy maker from the Bush White House who held several important advisory positions including service as the Deputy Assistant and then Acting Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy.  In this regard, he offers a sober assessment on the state of the U.S. Israeli relationship.  Having also served as Deputy Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Tevi is uniquely well informed to comment on the preparedness of the United States to defend and respond to chemical and biological weapons threats as well as the insecurity and possible proliferation of such weapons amid the unrest in Syria.

Secure Freedom Radio

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