What the NDAA Means for Disabled Veterans

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With Senator Jon Kyl, Faith McDonald, Diana West, Amber Barno

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With Senator Jon Kyl, Faith McDonnell, Diana West, Amber Barno

SENATOR JON KYL, former US Senator from Arizona and Senate Minority Whip, weighs in on the increasingly partisan U.S. Senate, and makes the claim that President Obama’s behavior is “extra-constitutional.”

FAITH MCDONNELL, of the Institute on Religion and Democracy, discusses Rep. Frank Wolf’s many accomplishments, specifically in regards to international religious freedom.

DIANA WEST, a syndicated columnist and author, examines the increasing problems the U.S. faces relating to Afghanistan.

AMBER BARNO, of Concerned Veterans for America, explains in detail the effects the NDAA will have on veterans and their families.

Secure Freedom Radio

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