What to Do About Iran’s Attacks on Saudi Arabia

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Weekend attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil infrastructure by Iran have exposed – and exploited – long-known vulnerabilities that can no longer be ignored.

Obviously, the Saudis’ above-ground pipelines must be made more resilient. Its critical refining and shipment assets must be protected against drones and ballistic missiles. And Iran must be deterred from undertaking further strikes.

Fortunately, a proven product called Velocifoam could enable pipelines to be buried and hardened quickly, cheaply and effectively. A predictive Hypersonic Intercept Technology algorithm could swiftly make anti-drone and Patriot missile defenses far more capable against present and emerging threats.

And stealthy, targeted special forces operations against Iran’s energy infrastructure can briefly degrade exports on which its regime desperately depends – and give those like China that persist in buying them a powerful incentive to prevail on Tehran to stop its aggression.

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