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The U.S. government is, indeed, “willfully blind” about sharia-supremacism and the danger it poses to America. Sen. Ted Cruz has established that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson could qualify for a seeing-eye dog – and why.

In a Senate hearing yesterday, Secretary Johnson displayed ignorance of – and indifference to – the damning charges leveled by one of his former employees, whistleblower Philip Haney. Mr. Haney has documented how official “see-no-sharia” policies and purges are interfering with investigations, and allowing Americans to be killed.

Sec. Johnson said his Muslim interlocutors insist that “ISIS has hijacked my religion.” So, he’s focused on the “need to build bridges to American Muslim communities and not vilify them so they will help us help them.”

These are the narratives of the Muslim Brotherhood – and proof-positive of their successful, subversive influence operations inside the Obama administration.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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