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Today, Barack Obama is going to dignify a mosque in Baltimore, Maryland with a presidential visit. We have recently learned that he is doing so against the advice of senior law enforcement officials.

According to a report by WND, they’re concerned that the mosque in question, the Islamic Society of Baltimore, has “a long history of ties to terrorism.” Why on earth would the president of the United States endorse such Islamic supremacists?

Unfortunately, he has been associating with their ilk from the get-go of his presidency. Worse yet, some have served in his administration as policy-makers or advisors.

Mr. Obama’s outreach to the wrong sorts of Muslims has helped legitimate their bogus claims to be “community leaders.” It’s also emboldening them in their ambition to replace our constitution with their totalitarian shariah code, and our government with a Caliphate.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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