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With Amb. John Bolton, Frank Calzon, Dr. Norman Bailey, Gordon Chang

Amb. JOHN BOLTON, former US Permanent Representative to the United Nations:

  • Continued national security failures in store should Hillary Clinton be elected
  • Russia, the Muslim Brotherhood, and America’s suppression of free speech?
  • Selection process for the next UN Secretary General
  • Nuclear test ban treaty in Congress
  • Has the JCPOA actually stopped Iran’s quest for nuclear weapons?

FRANK CALZON, Executive Director of the Center for a Free Cuba:

  • Are the Cuban people benefitting from the normalization of relations between Washington and Havana?
  • Castros continue to pursue dissidents
  • Obama’s Cuba strategy not advancing US foreign policy interests
  • Foreign entities operating in the Western Hemisphere
  • American’s visiting Cuba exposing themselves to the Zika virus?

Dr. NORMAN BAILEY, Former senior director of International Economic Affairs at the White House National Security Council:

  • All-encompassing strategy that defeated the Soviet Union
  • Pro-Gorbachev rendering of the Cold War’s/WWIII’s final years
  • Reagan’s refusal to budge
  • World War IV: The war against radical Islam

GORDON CHANG, author of “The Coming Collapse of China” and “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World”:

  • China’s demographic ‘time-bomb’
  • Population control as the main form of power for the Communist Party in Beijing
  • Chinese actions encouraging conflict
  • South Korea to pursue its own nuclear deterrent?


Secure Freedom Radio

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