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With Claudia Rosett, Maria Werlau, Gordon Chang, Bing West

CLAUDIA ROSETT, Journalist in Residence at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies:

  • Is the UNWRA program encouraging malicious Hamas behavior?
  • The enormous U.N. relief effort essentially being transformed into an overly-generous entitlement program
  • Concerns that Hamas is using the cover of UNWRA facilities to launch rockets

MARIA WERLAU, Director of Cuba Archive:

  • The rekindling of the strategic relationship between Cuba and Russia
  • The future of the Castro totalitarian regime after the deaths of Fidel and Raul
  • Can Cuba still be accurately described as a communist country?
  • Thoughts on the reports of a recent USAID covert operation in Cuba

GORDON CHANG, author of “The Coming Collapse of China”:

  • Pope Francis’ attempts to have an open dialogue with the Chinese communist government
  • Is the Chinese regime creating its own state-based sect of Christianity?
  • Security concerns over Apple’s move of its cloud-based data to servers in China

BING WEST, author of the upcoming book, “One Million Steps”:

  • In Iraq, the war won by boots on the ground and the peace lost by politicians
  • America’s fatal mistake of enabling Nouri al-Maliki’s rise to power
  • Chances that CIA operators and U.S. Special Forces Advisors are covertly re-inserted into the Anbar Province
Secure Freedom Radio

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