Will Trump Become a President in Name Only?

Donald Trump is president today in no small measure because the American people repudiated a GOP political elite known as RINOs, short for Republicans in Name Only, that has more in common with their Democratic counterparts than with the voters.  A preeminent RINO is Senator John McCain.

Ever since the election, RINOs like McCain and others who make up what Mr. Trump has called “the Swamp” have been trying to turn him into a PINO, President in Name Only. McCain’s vote preserved Obamacare and he is aggressively defending National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster – a man working to advance the Swamp’s agenda, not the President’s.

Nothing could be more certain to condemn Mr. Trump to PINO status than if he were to accede to the Swamp’s demands that he retain the disloyal McMaster and fire his tested and true Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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