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More dead police officers. This time in Baton Rouge at the hands of a member of the Nation of Islam, a group that promotes black separatism and Sharia-supremacism.

It turns out that such a combination is not confined to Louis Farakahan’s cult. There is now at work in America a true Red-Green-Black axis bringing together radical leftists, Islamists and increasingly violent inciters of black victimhood.

A prime representative of this axis is Khalila Sabra. She’s a black convert to Islam. She works for the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muslim American Society – and helps the Obama administration bring “refugees” here.

Last December, Sabra exhorted a like-minded crowd by noting that “We are the community that staged a revolution across the world,” then asked, “Why can’t we have that revolution here?”

Unless stopped, that’s just what the Red-Green-Black axis will try to do.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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