Xi’s Pearl Harbor – We have been warned


With the benefit of hindsight, experts debate whether we had foreknowledge about the deadly Pearl Harbor and 9/11 attacks on our homeland. There can be no such dispute about those being readied by the Chinese Communist Party.

For example, FBI Director Chris Wray warned last week that the CCP is planning to “wreak havoc” here with cyberwarfare. The same day, the Justice Department announced it had just thwarted such an attack. And a new multinational report says Chinese government hackers have been “hiding” inside our critical infrastructure for five years.

Last month, ten former senior FBI executives wrote that Chinese and other military age men invading our border threaten catastrophe.

Tomorrow at noon Eastern Time, we will map out Xi Jinping’s incipient Pearl Harbor – and what we must do about it now. Every American should see it. Join us at PresentDangerChina.org.

This is Frank Gaffney.

President Kagame and President Xi Jinping of China Joint Press Conference by Paul Kagame is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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