
On June 19th the Center for Security Policy celebrated its 20th Anniversary at the Metropolitan Club in New York City. In the presence of nearly 300 guests, among whom were some of the Center’s earliest supporters and friends, Dr. Jack Templeton graciously accepted the Terry Elkes Sacred Honor Award.  Dr. Templeton’s speech entitle “The Future of Freedom” provided one of the highlights of the evening and was an inspiration and challenge to the entire audience.

Dr. Templeton was speaking for all at the Center when he thanked those present for their commitment to the freedoms of our nation and to their dedication and determination to make a difference in a struggle that our nation cannot afford to lose.   Dr. Templeton reminded us that our best shield to assure the future of freedom is an aroused and informed citizenry and that it is the special mission of the Center to promote this awareness and to take action against the threat of Jihadism in all its forms.


Center for Security Policy

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