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With Victor Davis Hanson,  Chris Crane, Bill Gertz, Faith McDonnell

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, author of new book Savior Generals, gives his analysis on many of today’s hottest topics including General Petraeus, Benghazi, Syria and finally he gives his impressions on Turkey.

CHRIS CRANE, ICE Union chief, talks about the way the Obama administration is preventing ICE agents from enforcing Congressionally-approved laws, which has led the group to file a lawsuit against the government.

BILL GERTZ, Washington Free Beacon, Senior Editor and Washington Times National Security Editor, discusses the Air Forces relief of 17 nuclear key holders as well as discusses Chinese espionage in the US and the ongoing problems in Libya.

FAITH MCDONNELL, of the Institute of Religion and Democracy, talks about the Obama’s administration’s recent invitation to Sudanese war-criminal Dr.Nafie Ali Nafie to come visit the U.S. and hold talks with President Obama.

Secure Freedom Radio

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