Myth, Paradox & the Obligations of Leadership: Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and the Next Leak

Ensuring that US intelligence is not further harmed by the public distrust the Obama administration has created.


Van-Cleave-Occasional-Paper-1011-1In this latest Center for Security Policy Occasional Paper, former head of U.S. counterintelligence Michelle Van Cleave discusses the damage caused by so-called “leakers,” Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden, the false choice of security vs. freedom of speech, and the need for responsible leadership in making decisions about the intelligence capabilities the U.S. needs and why.

Van Cleave offers insights into the manner in which leaks cause damage to vital American interests, makes recommendations on how better to guard against future unauthorized disclosures, and calls on Congress to ensure that U.S. intelligence-gathering capabilities are not further harmed by the environment of public distrust the Obama administration has created.

Read the paper at the link below.

pdf icon Michelle Van Cleave: Myth, Paradox & the Obligations of Leadership: Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and the Next Leak | Center for Security Policy Occasional Paper Series | October 15, 2013  (PDF 10 pages, 187KB)


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