Secure Freedom launches site

Obama to give Iran a nuclear signing bonus

We are at a critical juncture in stopping a disastrous nuclear deal with Iran. President Barack Obama tells us the agreement will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but the truth is that he’s desperate to get a deal – any deal. According to the Wall Street Journal “President Obama said Tehran could receive significant economic relief IMMEDIATELY after concluding a deal…”  The Iranian regime will use it to pay for more terrorism, more regional subversion, more ballistic missiles AND to get the bomb.

Tell the Senate to do its duty as a check and balance on this national security malfeasance by President Obama.

Secure Freedom has launched a powerful one minute video on this topic at our new website. You can also link directly to the video here:

It is optimized to go viral and launches today with the hashtag #NoIranBombBonus.

Twitter targets should include the  Republicans who voted AGAINST the Johnson amendment which would have secured congressional review before any agreement is concluded:

– Alexander (R-TN)
– Ayotte (R-NH)
– Capito (R-WV)
– Coats (R-IN)
– Cochran (R-MS)
– Corker (R-TN)
– Ernst (R-IA)
– Flake (R-AZ)
– Hatch (R-UT)
– Isakson (R-GA)
– McCain (R-AZ)
– Perdue (R-GA)

Suggested tweet: “Tell the Senate, don’t let Obama give Iran the bomb and $50B bonus #NoIranBombBonus”

Please share with your networks and ask them to do the same.

Center for Security Policy

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