The North Korea Charm Offensive
With Jessica Vaughan, Michael Sturzenberger, Ken Timmerman and Lawrence Peck
With Jessica Vaughan, Michael Sturzenberger, Ken Timmerman and Lawrence Peck
JESSICA VAUGHAN, Director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies, Former Foreign Service Officer with the State Department where she served in Belgium and Trinidad & Tobago:
- The significance of the e-verify system
- President Trump discontinues temporary status of Salvadorians
MICHAEL STURZENBERGER, German politician, Former Federal Chairman of the Die Freiheit party in Germany, Author of the blog Politically Incorrect:
- Sturzenberger’s unjust sentencing
- Dangers of free speech restrictions
- What is the ‘new Europe?’
KEN TIMMERMAN, President and CEO of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran, Author of Deception: The Making of the YouTube Video Hillary and Obama Blamed for Benghazi, Author of Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi, Nationally recognized investigative reporter:
- How protests in Iran today differ from 2009
- Why Trump must kill the Iran deal
LAWRENCE PECK, Advisor at the North Korean Freedom Coalition:
- The North Korean charm offensive
- Failed negotiations with Pyongyang in the past
- North Korea’s influence operations inside the U.S.
- Securing America with Sam Faddis - October 26, 2023
- Robert Spencer: Many Afghan refugees were not vetted when they entered the United States - March 22, 2022
- John Mills: The Biden team always needs an ‘enemy’ to rally the country against - March 9, 2022