This is Frank Gaffney with the Secure Freedom Minute.

Rep. Keith Ellison is panicking.  The Minnesota Democrat evidently has gotten wind of a forthcoming book by Trevor Loudon documenting his extensive ties to radical anti-American, Marxist and Sharia-supremacist groups.

On July 17th, Rep. Ellison wrote Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos demanding that his company censor books and other products by those deemed to be “hate groups” by the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center.  He wants such materials still in Amazon warehouses “destroyed” over the next three months and an end to the company’s publication of similar “physical and digital materials.”

Every American will soon be able to read about Keith Ellison’s record of extremism.  But few examples are more blatant than his effort to establish the SPLC – which recently paid over $3 million dollars for falsely labeling someone an “anti-Muslim extremist” – the arbiter of what will be available from Amazon.

This is Frank Gaffney.



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