War College cancels Historian after pressure from CAIR and Linda Sarsour

Raymond Ibrahim is the author of Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War Between Islam and the West and Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christianity . The following is an excerpt of a Secure Freedom Radio interview. You can listen to the whole interview here.


Today, as it happens, you were supposed to be speaking at the Army War College, and you are not, apparently, because of CAIR. Tell us what happened in this specific instance.


I was invited by the US Army War College in January to give a lecture about my recent book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War Between Islam and the West.  The topic was the military history between Islamic civilization and the West. The U.S. Army War College was very enthusiastic, and they had many advertisements up of this event. On May 28th, the leadership of the Pennsylvania chapter of CAIR including Jacob Bender, send a formal letter protesting my appearance. The letter said the Muslim community in Harrisburg [near the War College ] was very shocked and disappointed that they would invite a, ‘notorious Islamophobe.’

At that point, the War College didn’t respond to their letter, but called me after seeing on social media to assure me the event would still happen. The next day, CAIR kicked it into high gear. CAIR, along with Linda Sarsour’s group, EMPOWER, sent out a petition and press release.

What was amazing is that they start describing me, someone who is of Egyptian decent — both of my parents are from Egypt — as a racist. They literally called me a racist and associated me with the white nationalist movement. Essentially, the petition stated that if the War College let me speak to the military about history, the soldiers will be so radicalized that they would out on the streets and start killing Muslims in America. Unfortunately, the War College then announced that the event was ‘postponed.’ They are officially telling the media is has nothing to do with CAIR and EMPOWER.


 Remind us who CAIR is, Raymond Ibrahim.


CAIR has a long paper trail that associates it with terrorism and unsavory characters. CAIR was named an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Trial, the largest terrorist funding case in U.S. history. The FBI has suspended all contact with CAIR. The UAE, a close friend and ally to the US, has designated CAIR – not just the Muslim Brotherhood — as a terrorist group. Several other Arab nations have the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror organization, CAIR is basically the propaganda mouthpiece of the Muslim Brotherhood.


Right, you mentioned the Holy Land Found, during which it was actually made known by the FBI that CAIR was actually founded by Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian arm, and a designated terrorist group. Silencing people they consider to be challenging their victim narrative and otherwise complicating their influence operations on behalf of Sharia supremacy is a standard practice of CAIR.


Exactly. Again, the lecture was about history. In the letter, petition and press releases, although they attack me personally of course, they did not challenge my work. My book is 352 pages, and they don’t have one sentence from it to show I said something inaccurate or that I misquoted history, even though they insist on that.

By the way, I asked the War College to turn the event into a debate instead of canceling it. Actually bring in CAIR or whichever historian they would like to put against me, but they didn’t want to go with that. CAIR has to shut people down, they can’t win against the truth, so they can’t have the debate.

Secure Freedom Radio

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