Gen. Roy Robinson explains the impact of COVID-19 on the National Guard

vintage american flag and national guard insignia painted on an old barn wall

With Andrew Whitney, Gen. Roy Robinson and Jeff Nyquist

ANDREW WHITNEY, Vice Chairman and Director, Phoenix Biotechnology, Inc.:

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GEN. ROY ROBINSON, President of the National Guard Association of United States:

  • How is the National Guard responding to the civil unrest taking place in the US?
  • How has the National Guard been impacted by COVID-19?

JEFF NYQUIST, Has written for Newsmax, WorldNetDaily, SierraTimes, Financial Sense and Epoch Times, Author of the book Origins of the Fourth World War and The New Tactics of Global War

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  • Signals being sent out by the People’s Liberation Army
  • What is the strategy of the Chinese army?

Secure Freedom Radio

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