Situation Report: Portland Mayor Negotiates, BLM/Antifa In-fighting at Red House, 4 Stabbed in D.C.

Major Antifa activity took place over the weekend in Portland, Olympia, WA, and Washington D.C.
At the site of the barricade stand-off in Portland which broke out December 8th, it appears that the Antifa occupation and “eviction defense” of The Red House in Portland has proven largely successful. The investor/owner of the occupied home has reportedly agreed to sell it back to the original owners at cost. While media reports suggest that some details remain to be hashed out, a successful deal is a clear victory for those who used violence against police to defeat the attempted enforcement of a legal eviction order, and then seized territory around the neighborhood and built barricades to prevent law enforcement’s return.
The standoff generated renewed disagreement between radical elements however, over questions of how to utilize armed security forces in providing “community defense.” The Pacific Northwest Youth Liberation Front (PNWYLF)- which describes itself as a “decentralized network of youth crews” accused a self-identified Red House “security team” of threatening other participants.
The criticism appears to be part of a larger conflict between elements over how to deal with live-streams and journalists. The Oregonian reported on the extremely hostile nature of the Red House occupiers towards journalists.
Antifa routinely threatens and even assaults journalists who record anything non-favorable, particularly images which could be regarded as providing identifiable information. Other participants however expressed displeasure at the targeting of live streamers, some of whom were sympathetic to the participants, and whose streams often attract attention as well as donations to the causes.
The disagreement also appeared to emphasize reportedly growing divide between anarchist groups and BLM activists.
In Olympia, clashes took place between Antifa and BLM members and participants of two rallies scheduled in the Washington state’ capital, which featured anti-Shutdown activists and Trump supporters protesting allegations of election fraud. One BLM activist was reported shot during a series of violent clashes.
In Washington D.C., large pro-Trump rallies were held in support of the President and to protest allegations of voter fraud. As night fell however, a series of clashes took place between Antifa and members of the Proud Boys, a pro-Trump group known for fighting with Antifa groups during protests. According to reports four individuals were stabbed by an apparent BLM/Antifa member, and 23 persons were arrested.
We can expect to see continued street disorders and sporadic violence as Antifa continues to target pro-Trump rallies and other forms of 1st amendment-protected activity. Successful actions such as the one conducted at the Red House Eviction Defense are likely to grow the movement’s efforts, even if it does result in personality and ideological conflicts within the movement over tactics and methods.
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