Beyond the Axis of Evil: State Department’s Bolton fingers Cuban bio-weapons program

“Beyond the axis of evil, there are other rogue states intent on acquiring weapons of mass destruction–particularly biological weapons,” Under Secretary of State John Bolton said Monday.

Bolton, responsible for arms control and international security, singled out Libya, Syria and Cuba in addition to the Axis of Evil states identified by President Bush as wupporting terrorism while building and proliferating weapons of mass destruction.

“The United States believes that Cuba has at least a limited offensive biological warfare research and development effort,” Bolton told the Heritage Foundation. The Castro regime “has provided dual-use biotechnology to other rogue states.” Bolton stated that the U.S. knows few details about the program thanks to successful Cuban penetration of U.S. military intelligence.

He called on Havana to “cease all BW-applicable cooperation with rogue states,” and cited President Bush’s pledge not to “stand by as peril draws closer and closer.”

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