(Washington, D.C.): On 2 March 1994,
members of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee began examining the nomination
of Dr. Derek Shearer to become U.S.
Ambassador to Finland. In the course of a
brief hearing on that date and written
responses to additional questions
submitted to the Committee on 11 March, the
nominee gave Senators ample justification
for disapproving his appointment — or,
at the very least, for requiring a
further hearing to examine the myriad
outright lies, obfuscating half-truths,
misleading statements, or worse, served
up by Dr. Shearer.

Of course, the fact that the
Ambassador to Finland-designate is a
long-time friend of President Clinton,
the brother-in-law of Deputy Secretary of
State Strobe Talbott and a man reputed to
be an influential advisor to the
Administration on economic and other
matters makes such Committee actions
politically super-charged. Still, these
same considerations also make it
absolutely imperative that the temptation
to give the nomination rubber-stamp
approval be resisted
: The very
access and influence an Ambassador
Shearer would enjoy oblige the Senate to
hold him to an exacting standard of
truthfulness and integrity.

As it considers whether or not to
proceed, as presently scheduled, with a
17 March business meeting to vote on the
Shearer nomination, the Center for
Security Policy believes that the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee must give
particular consideration to at least
three sets of issues:

  • Dr. Shearer has made egregious
    misrepresentations of his past
    record of advocacy of radical
    left-wing economic and political
    causes. Where he cannot disavow
    them altogether, he claims he has
    changed his mind — a contention
    which smacks of either expediency
    (a so-called “confirmation
    conversion”) or
    characteristic cynicism
    (“changing the name to mislead
    the innocent”).
  • Dr. Shearer has dissembled about
    his long-standing relationship
    with the hard-left Institute for
    Policy Studies and a number of
    its “spin-offs.” As
    indicated in the attached letter
    to CIA Director James Woolsey,
    two members of the Foreign
    Relations Committee — its
    ranking Republican, Sens. Jesse
    Helms (R-NC), and Sen. Hank Brown
    (R-CO) — believe that IPS and
    its ties are “directly
    relevant” to the Committee’s
    review of this nominee’s
  • In light of these facts, Dr.
    Shearer would appear to be a
    singularly unsuitable candidate
    for a sensitive overseas post at
    a moment when the U.S. government
    is being rocked by revelations of
    serious breaches of security by
    the KGB and by a White House that
    is awash with Clinton staffers
    lacking requisite security

In a White
entitled Contempt
of Congress: Shearer’s Apparent Untruths
to Senate Bespeak Larger, Ominous
Problems with Clinton Team

issued today, the Center for Security
Policy documents these findings in
considerable detail. On the basis of the facts,
the Center arrives at the following
conclusions and recommendations:

“The Center for Security
Policy believes that, in light of the
foregoing, the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee must reject Derek
Shearer’s nomination to become U.S.
Ambassador to Finland. Were the
Committee to do otherwise, it will
emplace in a sensitive post a man
whose predilection for radical
left-wing causes will likely
complicate bilateral relations with a
strategic nation and possibly
jeopardize important intelligence
operations under the purview of the
CIA station in Finland. At
the very least, it could create a
very undesirable precedent: that
lying to the Committee is not an
impediment to confirmation for
presidential appointees.

“The Center strongly
recommends that, at a minimum, the
Foreign Relations Committee hold a
further hearing on the Shearer
nomination in order to review what
appear to be the nominee’s untrue,
incomplete and misleading statements.
Under present circumstances, the
Senate will be unable to give its
informed advice on — let alone its
responsible consent to — this
appointment to Embassy Helsinki.

Copies of Contempt
of Congress
may be obtained by
contacting the Center.

Center for Security Policy

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