Chvez to Colombia: the FARC be with you

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In the ongoing saga between despot Hugo Chavez and Colombian democratic President Alvaro Uribe over the hostage crisis due to the formers ‘alleged’ friendship with the terrorist group FARC and even though the release of the hostages actually occurred, the cracks in the Chavez – FARC peace façade are already appearing: less than 72 hours following the two ladies’ release, FARC gunmen kidnapped six people. At the same time, Chavez’s plea for FARC and ELN, to no longer be called "terrorists" but belligerent combatants was rejected out of hand. Why it is time for the US Congress to ratify the Free Trade Agreement with Colombia: It would encourage legitimate agricultural exports discouraging farmers from cultivating the coca plant, the source of 90% of the world’s cocaine and could help a crucial US ally in the region in his plans to stop the FARC and Chavez’s dangerous "Bolivarian Revolution."

VIDEO: This is the real FARC: Compelling video of the atrocities of this terrorist group.

Artículo: "Chávez a Colombia: Que las FARC estén con Ustedes."

En este pulso continuo entre el déspota Venezolano, Hugo Chávez, y el Presidente demócrata de Colombia, Álvaro Uribe sobre la crisis de los rehenes debido a la ‘aparente’ amistad entre Chávez y las FARC y aunque la liberación de las dos señoras   efectivamente ocurrió,   las fisuras en esa farsa de paz, que han montado Chávez y las FARC,   ya están apareciendo: a menos de 72 horas tras   la liberación de las dos damas, unos insurgentes armados   de las FARC secuestraron a seis personas. Simultáneamente, de plano fue rechazada la intercesión de Chávez abogando a favor de las FARC y el ELN. Por qué ya es tiempo que el Congreso Norteamericano ratifique el TLC con Colombia: Incentivaría las exportaciones agrícolas legítimas, una poderosa forma de frenar el cultivo de plantaciones de coca, que son la fuente del 90% de la cocaína que se consume en el mundo y ayudaría a un crucial aliado de Estados Unidos en la región en sus planes de frenar a las FARC y la peligrosa "Revolución Bolivariana" de Hugo Chávez.

VIDEO: Estas son las verdaderas FARC. Video de las atrocidades cometidas por este grupo terrorista.

Main News:

  • IMPORTANT: "Hold Chavez accountable for fueling narco-terrorism." Venezuelan opposition launches pact for unity. Pdvsa debt was USD 16 billion in 2007. Colombian intelligence: Venezuela is providing ammunition to the FARC. Radars detect planes loaded with drug leaving Venezuela. Colombian officer: The FARC and ELN are holding hostages in Venezuela. Chavez: Uribe is a "coward" after comments by US drug Tsar Walters. Venezuela ponders further purchases of Argentinean debt. Opposition leader argues Chávez violated anti-drug law: He consumed coca paste. EU rejects deleting the FARC from black list.
  • Ecuador to open trade office in Iran in February. Ecuador President Reshuffles Navy. Ecuador President Reshuffles Navy. Correa Loses Support Again in Ecuador.
  • Food supply in Colombia secured.
  • FTA between Peru and China ready before APEC 2008 Summit. Peru seeks FTA with European Union. Lima, Peru Stock Market Seriously Affected by Shaky US Economy. Peru plans to sell about $263 million in sol-denominated bonds next month.
  • Half Content with Cristina in Argentina. Argentina’s economy expanded 9.6 percent in November from a year earlier.
  • Mexico will increase aid to farmers. Mexico arrests senior drug cartel member.
  • Political crisis deepens in Bolivia.

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Center for Security Policy

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