Victor Davis Hanson speaks at the Center’s National Security Academy. (CSP Photo)
The Center for Security Policy continues to ensure that American foreign and defense policies are guided by President Reagan’s time-tested philosophy of peace through strength. Yet pursuing this objective requires more than merely marshaling well-reasoned arguments and affecting policy on behalf of American security.  

Often ignored, ensuring American strength requires also the important practice of cadre-building, i.e., the identifying and training of young men and women to carry on the tradition of maintaining American strength and security well into the future.   Indeed, this is a fundamental component of the what the Center does, as demonstrated by our prominent Internship Program, our Jackson/Tower Congressional Fellowship Program, and the creation of our Academic Councila diverse group of renowned scholars from colleges and universities across the country who share our convictions about America as well as the best way to protect her.  

It was in this spirit, under the guidance of the Academic Council, that the Center created the National Security Academy, a two-day conference designed to facilitate interactions between members of the Academic Council, serving legislators and senior officials, and current or recent students pursuing careers in the foreign and defense policy fields.  

Students listen to NSC member John Rood at the inaugural National Security Academy.
Specifically, our goal was to provide an intimate forum for informal discussion as well as lectures by and Q&A with featured guests drawn from Capitol Hill, the top ranks of the Bush Administration, and academia. In the process, we hoped to generate intellectual exchanges that would not only educate interested students on the many threats facing our nation in this era, but would, in addition, expose national security officials to the most promising members of the rising class of young professionals.   In the end, this networking opportunity wouldas we hope and believehelp restock the pool from which future security policy leaders can be drawn.

Frank Gaffney, Jr.
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