Freeze That Frame: 60 Minutes Joins Center in Blowing Away Myth of ‘New World Order’

(Washington, D.C.): The Center for Security Policy today commended CBS News’ program 60 Minutes for delivering with all the lethality of one of Desert Storm’s precision guided munitions a devastating blow to the three tottering pillars of the so-called "New World Order." During last night’s broadcast, the show presented powerful exposes of themes with which the Center has long been concerned:

  • Germany — Our Ally? In a particularly gripping piece of investigative reporting, Morley Safer shed new light on the extent to which corporate greed and official indifference have combined to transform Germany into an unscrupulous national merchant of death. The Germans are caught contemptuously disregarding collective Western security interests to sell chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and ballistic missile-related technologies to Iraq before and after the imposition of the U.N. embargo.

  • The USSR — Our New Partner? Mike Wallace used the second segment to expose with breathtaking vividness the extent of Mikhail Gorbachev’s repudiation of the last vestiges of his reform program and the degree to which his following consists exclusively of Communist Party apparatchiks, KGB thugs and the most reactionary elements of the Red Army. Even notorious flacks for the party line like Gennadi Gerasimov and Vladimir Posner are shown confirming the resurgence of Soviet militarism.

  • The Palestinians — Our Favorite Charity Case? Finally, Ed Bradley revealed the venomous depth of anti-American feeling among those usually sympathetically portrayed as the waifs of the Third World — the Palestinians. With its footage of PLO adherents cheering Saddam Hussein’s Scud missile attacks on neighboring Tel Aviv, this segment showed a people so deeply embittered against Israel and its ally, the United States, as to render preposterous any notion that an international peace conference would produce genuinely positive results.


"Taken together, these three segments amounted to a MIRVed missile, exposing with its deadly impact the weakness and hypocrisy of the foundations on which the Bush Administration hopes to build a ‘New World Order,’" said Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., the Center’s director. "In light of the dangerous proclivities of our German allies, the reversion to form of our Soviet ‘partners’ and the irreconcilable antipathy of the would-be beneficiaries of our Middle East diplomacy — the Palestinians, the United States should go back to the drawing board before investing further in this grandiose construction project."

The Center is further reinforced in its view that:


  1. International technology security arrangements must be reinvigorated and enforced — not further devalued and dismantled as the Bush Administration intends to do at a COCOM meeting in Paris at the end of this month.



  3. The United States must immediately shift its policy emphasis away from the now-discredited Gorbachev regime and toward the genuine democratic and free market forces in the USSR. And,



  5. The Administration must renounce any further thought of joining Saddam Hussein’s proxies in the PLO in coercing Israel into dangerous territorial concessions through the vehicle of an international peace conference.
Center for Security Policy

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